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Welcome To Wesley Chapel

Our mission is to Invite and lead people to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurture them in their faith and send them out into the world to share that faith.

Worship Service - Sunday at 9:30 AM

Sunday School - Sunday at 10:30 AM

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Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Since Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, the ashes symbolize one's intention to deepen his or her spiritual life. Lent is a time for spiritual renewal and growth in dedication and service.

Joun us at 7:30 PM for Our Ash Wednesday Service

CPR Training

We now have a 2025 update on the Food for the Soul program here at Wesley Chapel. The committee prepares approximately 70-80 meals once a month. They are preparing meals from the Wesley Chapel cookbook. 

Click here for more information.

Wesley Chapel’s Men's Group

 Jason Breegle leads the group as they study “Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table” by Louie Giglio. You do not need to be a member of Wesley Chapel to attend, we’d love to have new faces join us, so bring yourself and a friend.

Breakfast is served at 7:30 a.m. Lesson begins at 8:00 a.m.

March 1st, 15th, and 29th 

Please Update Your Membership Information

As many of you know and for those of you who do not, Wesley Chapel is no longer part of the United Methodist Church. At the United Methodist Annual Conference held in June of 2023, we were officially granted disaffiliation. We have since chosen to join the Global Methodist Church. While we changed denominations, please be assured that Wesley Chapel is still a place where you are encouraged to come to participate in a Bible­based worship service and Sunday school. The existing programs within the church and all outreach programs have continued as in the past.

 There is an issue that will need to be addressed by all who have been members of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Since we've left the United Methodists and joined the Global Methodists, our former memberships are no longer valid. It did not seem appropriate for us to simply "roll over" something that is this vital in your Christian walk. We also felt this was a perfect time to add a reminder for all of us of the requirements attached to our church membership vow.

 As members of Wesley Chapel Church we will:

  • Support the church with our presence when at all possible, 
  • Support the church with our time and service, 
  • Support the church with our finances, 
  • Support the church with our prayers, 
  • Represent the church by witnessing in a Christ-like manner to all we come in contact with
  • and Make an effort to share the gospel whenever possible.

 Please help us get our membership updated and accurate, by completing the form provided. Complete and return the form on the bottom or back of this letter to either Todd Pritts or Tom Skelton by no later than March 1, 2024. Your returned information will be filed in Wesley Chapel's records. We're excited to continue Wesley Chapel's Christian journey with you.

 Todd Pritts, Council Chair 

Tom Skelton, Chair, Pastor-Parish Relations Committee

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